
It is normal the day of treatment to experience some general discomfort. Your jaw muscles may also be tired from opening. In most cases this will subside quickly and can be relieved with your normal over counter pain medication.

It is normal to experience some sensitivity to cold. This is your tooth's way of saying hey I'm bruised/inflamed. This sensitivity will range from not noticeable at all to rather bothersome. In most cases it is transient and goes away as the tooth heals in a few days to a few weeks. The degree of sensitivity is related to a number of factors such as depth of the decay/proximity to the nerve of the tooth, the tooth's natural ability to heal, amount of previous work and previous trauma. The doctor will usually let you know how the procedure went and what you may expect.

We may recommend ibuprofen (Motrin). This IS NOT for pain. Ibuprofen is to reduce the inflammation in the area worked on, and will further eliminate hot, cold and pressure sensitivity if taken as directed. If you are allergic to or cannot tolerate ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, etc) please advise us. If discomfort continues for more than a couple of weeks, please call our office.

Watch that children don't bite their cheeks, lips or tongue.

Avoid chewing on your new filling for 24 hours.

Your bite should feel normal after the freezing comes out. Sometimes it feels "high" at first. Give it 24 hours for your muscles to function normally again. After 24 hours, if it feels high or like it hits first, or interferes when you chew on it a certain way, you will need to have the bite adjusted. Please call the office for an appointment; it usually takes only a few minutes.

The tooth should feel smooth and brush and floss like a natural tooth.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call us at 416-743-2273.